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Exclusive Fish

Exclusive Fish

Channa gachua (Assam), 3"-4"

Channa gachua (Assam), 3"-4"

Rs. 350.00

Candy Shrimp (Rare)

Rs. 350.00

Dwarf Aspidoras Dwarf Catfish (Aspidoras spilotus) **Super Rare**

Rs. 900.00

Botia dario / Queen Loach 3"
Botia dario / Queen Loach 3"

Botia dario / Queen Loach 2" (Pair)

Rs. 287.00

Black Ghost Knifefish 3"

Black Ghost Knifefish 5"

Rs. 450.00

Spotted Raphael Talking Catfish1.5"

Rs. 450.00

Frogmouth Catfish 4-5inch

Rs. 1,800.00

Albino Rummynose Tetra Large

Albino Rummynose Tetra Pair

Rs. 280.00

Orange Bubble Eye Goldfish 3.5"

Rs. 723.00 Rs. 1,200.00

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Nemo Candy Plakat Betta

Rs. 450.00

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Yoyo Loach

Rs. 150.00

Texas Cichlid 4" - Best4Pets
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Texas Cichlid 4inch

Rs. 280.00 Rs. 350.00

Sulphur Head Cichlid / Aulonocara maylandi 2.5"
Sulphur Head Cichlid / Aulonocara maylandi 2.5"
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Sulphur Head Cichlid / Aulonocara maylandi 2.5"

Rs. 180.00 Rs. 200.00

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Red Empress Cichlid 3.5"inch

Rs. 230.00 Rs. 500.00

XL Santa Claus Swordtail
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Santa Claus Swordtail (Pair)

Rs. 125.00 Rs. 300.00

Drapefin Barb - Best4Pets
Drapefin Barb - Best4Pets
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Drapefin Barb XL Male

Rs. 150.00 Rs. 180.00

Sahayadria Denisoni Barb Small, 2"
Sahayadria Denisoni Barb Small, 2"
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Sahayadria Denisoni Barb Small, 2"

Rs. 160.00

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Black Moscow Guppy (Pair)(Import)

Rs. 250.00 Rs. 350.00

Banded Gourami, Trichogaster fasciata, Wild, 2-2.5"
Banded Gourami, Trichogaster fasciata, Wild, 2-2.5"
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Banded Gourami 2-2.5" (Pair)

Rs. 273.00

Imported Oscar 3" - Best4Pets
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Imported Albino Red Oscar 3inch

Rs. 450.00

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Red Peacock Cichlid

Rs. 220.00 Rs. 350.00


Trust and convenience of ethical, healthy, and sustainable pets, pet accessories, and pet-care solutions. Best4Pets is the fruit of labour and love. Brought to you by a collective of experienced pet-lovers, citizen scientists, and hobbyists. We believe - Pets are simply the best.