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Harlequin Rasbora
Harlequin Rasbora

Harlequin Rasbora (Pair)

Rs. 211.00

Sawba Rasbora
Sawba Rasbora

Sawba Rasbora (Pair)

Rs. 380.00

Scissortail Rasbora Large (Pair)

Rs. 300.00

Buy Rasbora Fish Online at Best Offer 

Rasbora fish are renowned among aquarium enthusiasts for their vibrant colors and peaceful nature. When considering adding these aquatic beauties to your aquarium tank, choosing a trusted online retailer like Best4Pets is crucial. Here, you can find a wide selection of Rasbora fish, ensuring you get healthy aquarium fish specimens delivered to your doorstep.

Harlequin Rasbora

Harlequin Rasbora are cherished for their striking appearance, featuring iridescent silver bodies adorned with bold orange-red patches. These small, schooling fish thrive in well-planted aquariums with plenty of swimming space. Offering them a diet of small live and frozen foods ensures they remain healthy and vibrant.

Galaxy Rasbora

The Galaxy Rasbora, also known as Celestial Pearl Danio, captivates with its shimmering blue-green body speckled with orange spots. Originating from Myanmar, these fish prefer densely planted tanks with subdued lighting and gentle water flow. They are omnivores, eagerly accepting high-quality flakes and small live foods.

Green Rasbora

Known for its peaceful demeanor and emerald-green hues, the Green Rasbora prefers densely planted tanks with soft, slightly acidic water. These fish are omnivorous, thriving on a diet of small live and frozen foods supplemented with high-quality flakes. Regular water changes and stable tank conditions are essential for their well-being.

Rasbora Fish (General)

Rasbora fish encompass a diverse group known for their social behavior and adaptability to various aquarium conditions. Whether you choose the vibrant Harlequin, celestial Galaxy, or serene Green Rasbora, these fish add color and tranquility to community tanks. They coexist peacefully with other non-aggressive species and thrive in stable aquatic environments.

Chili Rasbora

The Chili Rasbora stands out with its fiery red coloration and diminutive size, making it a popular choice for nano aquariums. These fish prefer densely planted tanks with dark substrate and gentle filtration. Offering them a diet rich in small live and frozen foods ensures optimal health and coloration. Breeding Chili Rasboras can be challenging but rewarding with proper care.


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