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Exclusive Fish

Exclusive Fish

Glow Widow Tetra (Mix Colours)

Rs. 150.00 Rs. 1,000.00

Dwarf Puffer / Carinotetraodon imitator

Pea Puffer (Pair)

Rs. 130.00 Rs. 195.00

Pygmy Cory

Pygmy Cory XL

Rs. 365.00

Croaking Gourami (TRICHOPSIS VITTATA) 2inch
Croaking Gourami (TRICHOPSIS VITTATA) 2inch

Croaking Gourami (Pair)

Rs. 266.00

Chilli Mosaic Guppy (Pairs)

Chilli Mosaic Dumbo Ear Guppy (Pairs)

Rs. 240.00

Neon Rainbow ML (Pair)

Rs. 220.00

Pearl Gourami, 2"
Pearl Gourami, 2"

Pearl Gourami (Pair) 3inch

Rs. 300.00 Rs. 350.00

Full Black Moscow Guppy (Pair)

Rs. 210.00

Green Neon Tetra
Green Neon Tetra

Green Neon Tetra (Pair)

Rs. 331.00

Sawba Rasbora
Sawba Rasbora

Sawba Rasbora (Pair)

Rs. 380.00

Red Whiptail Catfish
Red Whiptail Catfish

Red Whiptail Catfish 3inch

Rs. 850.00

Gardneri killifish Large
Gardneri killifish Large

Gardneri killifish 1.5"

Rs. 200.00 Rs. 400.00

Super Red Bristlenose Pleco 1.5-2inch

Rs. 700.00

Golden Baloon Ramirezi (Pair)

Rs. 633.00

Albino Neon Tetra Large

Albino Neon Tetra

Rs. 130.00 Rs. 140.00

Albino Koi Guppy (Pairs) - Best4Pets

Albino Koi Guppy (Pairs)

Rs. 250.00

Gold Glass Belly Guppy (Pair)

Rs. 300.00

Albino Lemon Tetra (Pair)

Rs. 115.00

Red Lace Guppy (Pair)

Rs. 200.00

Dwarf Aspidoras Dwarf Catfish (Aspidoras spilotus) **Super Rare**

Rs. 900.00

Clown Killifish AKA Rocket Killifish

Rs. 250.00


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