Julidochromis regani 3-4cm
Julidochromis regani is a Tanganyikan cichlid that reaches 6" in length, making it one of the larger "Julies." They sport a torpedo-shaped body covered in a black checkerboard pattern that develops into stripes as they mature. They inhabit rocky areas of the lake and can often be seen hovering up...
Thumbi West OB 4-5cm
Labeotropheus are easily distinguished from other mbuna genera by their curved, hanging snout. This special adaptation allows them to graze on rocks on an almost parallel plane, letting them feed on rocks that other fish may not be able to reach. The Thumbi West OB (L. trewavasae) males are typic...
Bi Colour Mbuna
Synonyms None Distribution Rocky shores throughout Lake Malawi, Africa. Maximum Size 15cm (5.9") Temperature 21-24Ā°C Water Parameters Hard, alkaline water essential. pH: 7.5-8.5, dH: up to 20 degrees. Compatibility Malawi cichlid community Lighting No special requirements Speci...
Albino Lemon Tetra
This tetra is a popular species in the aquarium hobby due to its bright yellow coloration and its peaceful disposition! TheĀ Lemon Tetra (Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis) is a very well-known freshwater aquarium fish. Its popularity is most certainly due to its bright yellow coloration as well ...
Sand Digger Cichlid / Fossorochromis rostratus 4"-5"
Fossorochromis rostratusĀ is a large Haplochromine from Lake Malawi, and it requires a tank of 100 gallons or more. Sand is a necessity as these fish spend a considerable amount of time sifting for microorganisms in the sand, as well as diving into sand when startled. They are not considerably agg...
Pseudotropheus Elongatus Usisya
Keeping temperature:Ā 24-26 degrees Water values:Ā pH value 7.5-8.5 FoodĀ : with this species it is important to ensure that you mainly feed plant (spirulina) food.Ā In nature, these fish feed on growth on stones. OriginĀ : this species is endemic and only occurs in Lake Malawi (East Africa). Keeping:...
Lamprologus ornatipinnis
LamprologusĀ ornatipinnisĀ is a small shell-dwelling cichlid from Lake Tanganyika. They have long, slender bodies adorned with pearly scales and lovely white spots on the fins. They often scoot around the substrate, balancing on their round pelvic fins as some sort of foot.Ā These fish are very soc...
Brevis Shell Dweller 0.5"
Minimum Tank Size: 10 Gallons (38 Litres)Care Level: EasyWater Conditions: 7.5-9.0 pH and Hard to Very HardTemperature: 73-81 Ā°F (23-27 Ā°C)Maximum Size: 2.2 inches (5.5 cm) The Neolamprologus brevis is a small, shell dwelling cichlid. It is found only in the waters of Lake Tanganyika in Africa, a...
Albino Heckelii 3" (Pair)
The Albino Threadfin Acara displays striking coloration and has become a very sought-after variety that is a major standout in any aquarium! Ā TheĀ Albino Threadfin Acara Cichlid (Acarichthys heckelii) isĀ a favorite among many cichlid enthusiasts due to its generally peaceful disposition and vivid...
Red Kribensis (Pair)
This listing is for Pair of 1"-1.25" Sized Fish The Pelvicachromis species commonly know as "super red kribensis" is a very red color-variety of P. pulcher. Males exhibit red coloration extending from the lower lip to the posterior part of the belly. Females typically resemble normally-colored sp...
Lamprologus ocellatus Gold (Pair)
Lamprologus ocellatusĀ "Gold" areĀ shell-dwellers that use round snail shells as breeding locations, sometimes burying the shell in sand to conceal it.Ā In the wild, they occupy shells of snails that have been eaten byĀ Synodontis multipunctatus. MalesĀ do grow slightly larger than females, but at a y...
Sun Catfish 6inch
Common name:Ā Sun catfish, Gold spotted Thai cat, Gunther's catfishScientific name:Ā Horabagrus brachysomaPronounced:Ā Hor-ah-bag-russ brak-eye-soh-merOrigin:Ā Found in swamps, boggy pools, lakes and the backwaters of rivers in Kerala, Canara and Malabar, southern India.Size:Ā There's an error in the ...
Golden mahseer 6"
The Mahseer carps from India are mythical fishes. They belong to the largest carp species of the subcontinent and it is said that they can reach up to 2 m in length. These carps inhabit the same ecological niches in India that are held in Europe by the salmons and trouts. Like in the latter the s...
Fugu Puffer **RARE** 5inch
These are brackish puffers that grow big and would love large aquariums.
Channa stewartii "Karbi Anglong" "Grade A"
This Listing is for a small quantity of Grade A Hand Selected Channa stewarti "Karbi Anglong" the fish will be around 30cm size These fish are renowned for their highly spotted bodies and are super popular because of that. Channa stewartii is a relatively small Snakehead species that grows 30-36 ...
Orange Bubble Eye Goldfish 5inch
The Bubble Eye goldfish is sometimes also called theĀ Water-Bubble Eye goldfishĀ and has the scientific name, Carassius auratus auratus. The most intriguing feature of the Bubble Eye Goldfish is its bubbles. The bubbles on this goldfish begin to develop when it is 6-9 months old, leading to the na...
Sand Digger Cichlid / Fossorochromis rostratus 3"
Fossorochromis rostratusĀ is a large Haplochromine from Lake Malawi, and it requires a tank of 100 gallons or more. Sand is a necessity as these fish spend a considerable amount of time sifting for microorganisms in the sand, as well as diving into sand when startled. They are not considerably agg...
Golden Baloon Ramirezi (Pair)
The Gold Balloon Ram is a selectively bred variant of the German Blue Ram, which is a colour variant of the original wild Ram. The Gold Blue Balloon Ram is a selectively bred variant that focuses on altering the body of the Ram to be taller, shorter and more stout the otherwise more stream lined...
Diamond Black Neon Tetra (Pair)
The Black Diamond Neon Tetra is a very rare, black variant of the classic Neon Tetra, a very colorful and active nano fish! The Black Diamond Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi var. "Black Diamond") is an excellent choice for the community aquarium, especially planted aquariums. This variant of...
Dawkinsia arulius
Ā ONE OF THE SUPER RARE Dawkinsia SPECIES Not difficult to keep in a well-maintained set-up, though we recommendĀ aquascapingĀ theĀ tankĀ to resemble a flowing stream orĀ riverĀ with aĀ substrateĀ of variably-sized, water-worn rocks,Ā sand, fineĀ gravelĀ and perhaps some small boulders. This can be further ...
Albino Rummynose Tetra Pair
The albino variety of this beloved freshwater aquarium species is as striking as the wild color form! The AlbinoĀ Rummy Nose Tetra (Hemigrammus bleheriĀ "Albino"), also known as the Firehead Tetra, is a very popular schooling community fish. Its red-orange nose and horizontally striped black and wh...
Multi Shelldweller 1" (Pair)
One of the most popular of the shell-dwelling species of small cichlids found in Africaās Lake Tanganyika, the Multi Shell Dweller makes for a unique display fish due to their vivid pattern and bold, fascinating behavior. In the wild, these dwarf cichlids inhabit dense fields of empty snail shell...
Santa Claus Swordtail (Pair)
This koi swordtail has incredibly vibrant orange and white coloration and is certainly not your "everyday" variety! Ā The Albino Koi Kohaku SwordtailĀ (Xiphophorus helleri)Ā is a rather uncommon and very colorful swordtail variation that has extremely vivid orange and white/silver koi-like colora...
Lemon Fin Barb / Puntius jerdoni
Habitat It is predominantly aĀ riverineĀ fish preferring clear, well-oxygenated, running water and has also been found living in slower-moving, deeper parts of large streams at some localities. In the BharathapuzhaĀ RiverĀ it was recorded mostly in highland areas but observed to move into lowland tid...
Red Fin Shell Dweller (Pair)
This shell-dwelling cichlidĀ is a beautifully marked nano species that is easy to keep and breed in large colonies! Ā The Red Fin Shell Dweller (Lamprologus caudopunctatus)Ā is a veryĀ small shell-dwelling cichlid that is native to the deep shoreline areasĀ of Lake Tanganyika in Africa. It has become...
Chocolate Mahseer / Neolissochilus hexagonolepis 6"-7"
The Mahseer belongs to the genus Tor, of which there are several subspecies to beĀ found in India and in other range countries in SouthĀ Asia. There are issues regarding theĀ taxonomy of the MahseerĀ and despite advances in molecular biology and tools for DNA analysis, scientists are not entirely in ...
Placidochromis milomo 2.5inch
PlacidochromisĀ milomoĀ Lake Malawi along the Malawian shores of the lake. Native to Peru and Ecuador, this species is extremely colourful, especially as it approaches adulthood. Males are the most colourful sex, but females are also very colourful. Both sexes have generous blue facial and body col...
Rummynose Tetra (Pair)
The Rummy Nose Tetra (Hemigrammus bleheri), also known as the Firehead Tetra, is a very popular schooling community fish. Its red-orange nose and horizontally striped black and white tail make it a very distinctive aquarium fish. Ā The Rummy Nose Tetra typically occupies the top and middle level ...
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