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Exclusive Fish

Exclusive Fish

Julidochromis regani 3-4cm

Rs. 295.00

Thumbi West OB 4-5cm

Rs. 225.00

Bi Colour Mbuna

Rs. 300.00

Albino Lemon Tetra

Rs. 125.00

Sand Digger Cichlid / Fossorochromis rostratus 4"-5"

Rs. 480.00

Pseudotropheus Elongatus Usisya

Rs. 1,500.00

Lamprologus ornatipinnis

Rs. 620.00

Brevis Shell Dweller 0.5"

Rs. 550.00

Albino Heckelii 3" (Pair)

Rs. 1,100.00 Rs. 1,950.00

Red Kribensis (Pair)

Rs. 800.00

Lamprologus ocellatus Gold (Pair)

Rs. 997.00

Sun Catfish 6inch

Rs. 650.00

Golden mahseer 6"

Rs. 3,000.00

Fugu Puffer **RARE** 5inch

Rs. 2,900.00

Channa stewartii "Karbi Anglong" "Grade A"

Rs. 2,500.00

Orange Bubble Eye Goldfish 5inch

Rs. 1,200.00

Sand Digger Cichlid / Fossorochromis rostratus 3"

Rs. 250.00 Rs. 400.00

Golden Baloon Ramirezi (Pair)

Rs. 633.00

Diamond Black Neon Tetra (Pair)

Rs. 170.00

Dawkinsia arulius XL - Best4Pets

Dawkinsia arulius

Rs. 325.00

Albino Rummynose Tetra Large

Albino Rummynose Tetra Pair

Rs. 280.00

Multi Shelldweller 1" - Best4Pets

Multi Shelldweller 1" (Pair)

Rs. 650.00

XL Santa Claus Swordtail

Santa Claus Swordtail (Pair)

Rs. 90.00 Rs. 300.00

Lemon Fin Barb / Puntius jerdoni

Lemon Fin Barb / Puntius jerdoni

Rs. 300.00

Red Fin Shell Dweller (Pair)

Rs. 755.00 Rs. 1,800.00

Chocolate Mahseer / Neolissochilus hexagonolepis 6"-7"
Chocolate Mahseer / Neolissochilus hexagonolepis 6"-7"

Chocolate Mahseer / Neolissochilus hexagonolepis 6"-7"

Rs. 4,000.00

Placidochromis milomo

Placidochromis milomo 2.5inch

Rs. 190.00 Rs. 225.00

Rummynose Tetra
Rummynose Tetra

Rummynose Tetra (Pair)

Rs. 250.00


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