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Rs. 200.00


Rs. 220.00


Rs. 300.00


Rs. 180.00

Castle with Watchtower

Rs. 200.00

Channa gachua (Assam), 3"-4"

Channa gachua (Assam), 3"-4"

Rs. 350.00

Cherry Red Shrimp (Regular Grade)

Cherry Red Shrimp Import (Pair)

Rs. 100.00 Rs. 150.00

Chocolate Mahseer / Neolissochilus hexagonolepis 6"-7"
Chocolate Mahseer / Neolissochilus hexagonolepis 6"-7"

Chocolate Mahseer / Neolissochilus hexagonolepis 6"-7"

Rs. 4,000.00

Clown Killifish AKA Rocket Killifish

Rs. 250.00

Columbian Tetra

Columbian Tetra (Pair)

Rs. 80.00

Copper Oscar Cichlid 3.5"

Copper Oscar Cichlid 4inch

Rs. 450.00

Copy of BGMKXL1

Rs. 1,699.00

Coral Base 15inch

Rs. 1,800.00

Coral Base Rock

Rs. 660.00

Coral Red Baloon Platy

Coral Red Platy

Rs. 60.00

Crimson Loach

Crimson Loach (Pair)

Rs. 175.00 Rs. 350.00

Croaking Gourami (TRICHOPSIS VITTATA) 2inch
Croaking Gourami (TRICHOPSIS VITTATA) 2inch

Croaking Gourami

Rs. 160.00 Rs. 250.00

Cryptocoryne Pontederiifolia

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 235.00

Cutter's Blue Eye Cichlid 1.5"

Rs. 995.00

Cyperus Helferi

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 260.00

Dario dario / Red Badis

Dario dario / Red Badis (Pair)

Rs. 150.00


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