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Albino Pristella Tetra Small

Albino Pristella Tetra (Pair)

Rs. 120.00

Black Ghost Knifefish 3"

Black Ghost Knifefish 5"

Rs. 450.00

Blue Angel Medium
Blue Angel Medium

Blue Angel Medium Large (Pair)

Rs. 440.00

Blue King Cobra Guppy (Pairs)

Blue King Cobra Guppy (Pairs)

Rs. 250.00

Blue Peacock Cichlid 4.5"
Blue Peacock Cichlid 4.5"

Blue Peacock Cichlid 2.5" (Pair)

Rs. 280.00 Rs. 450.00

Botia dario / Queen Loach 3"
Botia dario / Queen Loach 3"

Botia dario / Queen Loach 2" (Pair)

Rs. 287.00

Bruce's Hillstream *SUPER RARE*

Rs. 1,200.00

Candy Shrimp (Rare)

Rs. 350.00

Channa gachua (Assam), 3"-4"

Channa gachua (Assam), 3"-4"

Rs. 350.00

Cherry Red Shrimp (Regular Grade)

Cherry Red Shrimp Import (Pair)

Rs. 100.00 Rs. 150.00

Croaking Gourami (TRICHOPSIS VITTATA) 2inch
Croaking Gourami (TRICHOPSIS VITTATA) 2inch

Croaking Gourami

Rs. 160.00 Rs. 250.00

Dwarf Aspidoras Dwarf Catfish (Aspidoras spilotus) **Super Rare**

Rs. 900.00

Frogmouth Catfish 4-5inch

Rs. 1,800.00

Golden Ramirezi
Golden Ramirezi

Golden Ramirezi (Pair)

Rs. 399.00 Rs. 500.00

Green Terror Large (Breeding Pair)

Rs. 4,800.00

Hengeli Rasbora

Rs. 90.00

Import Elephant Ear Halfmoon Betta

Import Elephant Ear Halfmoon Betta

Rs. 400.00

Jaguar Cichlid 5" / Parachromis managuensis
Jaguar Cichlid 5" / Parachromis managuensis

Jaguar Cichlid 2.5 inch

Rs. 180.00 Rs. 350.00

MIx angelfish Large

Marble Veil Tail Medium (Pair)

Rs. 213.00 Rs. 300.00

Mix Nerite Snail

Mix Nerite Snail (Pack of 6) Small

Rs. 240.00

Mix Swordtail

Mix Swordtail (Pair)

Rs. 80.00


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