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Lobelia cardinalis

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 250.00

Ludwigia arcuata narrow leaf TC

Ludwigia arcuata

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 400.00

Ludwigia inclinata

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 225.00

Ludwigia palustris

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 225.00

Ludwigia repens

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 250.00

Ludwwigia ovalis TC - Best4Pets

Ludwwigia ovalis

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 450.00

MIx angelfish Large

Marble Veil Tail Medium (Pair)

Rs. 213.00 Rs. 300.00

Metal Black Guppy (Pairs)

Metal Black Guppy (Pairs)

Rs. 280.00

Mini Boat

Rs. 150.00

Mix Nerite Snail

Mix Nerite Snail (Pack of 6) Small

Rs. 240.00

Mix Swordtail

Mix Swordtail (Pair)

Rs. 80.00

Mosaic Guppy (Cost per Pair)
Mosaic Guppy (Cost per Pair)

Mosaic Guppy (Pair)

Rs. 200.00 Rs. 250.00

Multi Colour Castle

Rs. 220.00

Multi Shelldweller 1" - Best4Pets

Multi Shelldweller 1" (Pair)

Rs. 650.00

Multicolour Dragon Guppy (Pair)

Rs. 250.00

Myriophyllum mezianum

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 225.00

Neo Helios XP Series Flat LED Lights

Rs. 2,600.00

Neolamprologus cylindricus 2-2.5"

Neolamprologus cylindricus

Rs. 300.00

Neon Rainbow Small Pair

Rs. 100.00 Rs. 110.00

Neon Tetra (Pair)

Rs. 37.20 Rs. 60.00

OB Malawi Eye Biter 6inch

Rs. 1,200.00


Trust and convenience of ethical, healthy, and sustainable pets, pet accessories, and pet-care solutions. Best4Pets is the fruit of labour and love. Brought to you by a collective of experienced pet-lovers, citizen scientists, and hobbyists. We believe - Pets are simply the best.

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