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Golden emperor Tetra (Pair)

Rs. 190.00 Rs. 350.00

Golden Mountain Minnow

Golden Mountain Minnow (Pair)

Rs. 75.00 Rs. 95.00

Golden Rummynose Tetra

Rs. 140.00

Green Neon Tetra
Green Neon Tetra

Green Neon Tetra (Pair)

Rs. 331.00

Harlequin Rasbora
Harlequin Rasbora

Harlequin Rasbora (Pair)

Rs. 211.00

Hengeli Rasbora

Rs. 90.00

Hockeystick Tetra Large

Hockeystick Tetra (Pair)

Rs. 130.00 Rs. 220.00

Lemon Tetra / Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis

Lemon Tetra (Pair)

Rs. 136.00

Neon Tetra (Pair)

Rs. 37.20 Rs. 60.00

Odessa Barb
Odessa Barb

Odessa Barb (Pair)

Rs. 300.00

Gold Wrestling Halfbeak (Dermogenys pusilla), 2"
Gold Wrestling Halfbeak (Dermogenys pusilla), 2"

Platinum Halfbeak (Pair)

Rs. 123.00 Rs. 200.00

Pristella Tetra (Pair)

Rs. 119.00

Blue Emperor Tetra
Blue Emperor Tetra

Purple Emperor Tetra (Pair)

Rs. 150.00 Rs. 275.00

Rasbora espei

Rasbora espei (Pair)

Rs. 160.00 Rs. 320.00

Red Beckfordi Pencilfish

Red Beckfordi Pencilfish

Rs. 180.00

Rosy Tetra
Rosy Tetra

Rosy Tetra (Pair)

Rs. 180.00

Sawba Rasbora
Sawba Rasbora

Sawba Rasbora (Pair)

Rs. 380.00

Scissortail Rasbora Large (Pair)

Rs. 300.00

Serpae Tetra / Hyphessobrycon eques

Serpae Tetra (Pair)

Rs. 83.00

Veil Tail Serpae Tetra Large

Veil Tail Serpae Tetra Large (Pair)

Rs. 111.00

White Fin Tetra / Hyphessobrycon bentosi

White Fin Tetra (Pair)

Rs. 220.00


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