The Red Wag Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus) is a classic platy variety that displays red-orange and black coloration. There are nearly endless colour (and other) variants of this fish, and the Red Wag Platy is a standout. This is a very peaceful, undemanding fish that will thrive in most aquariums, especially the planted aquarium.
The Red Wag Platy is compatible with most other peaceful aquarium species. It is an omnivore, so it will potentially prey on smaller dwarf shrimp and their fry, but it is otherwise safe to keep with peaceful invertebrates as well. This fish is not a picky eater and it will accept a variety of high-quality dry foods, but these should be supplemented with a variety of frozen foods as well. It will mostly occupy the middle and upper regions of the aquarium, and it does have the ability to jump out of the water, especially while in the early stages of acclimating to a new aquarium. As a result, a secure lid is highly recommended to ensure that this fish does not jump out of the tank.
Plants are not absolutely necessary for the Red Wag Platy, but they will certainly be appreciated. All stem plants, Marimo Balls, and mosses are safe to keep with this fish. The Red Wag Platy is an excellent fish for beginners as well as experts!
What We Like About This Fish:
- Hardy and adaptable
- Beautiful orange and black coloration
- Small size, perfect for planted aquariums
- Peaceful disposition
- Perfect for the planted aquarium
- Temperature: 64° - 77° F (17.7° - 25° C)
- pH: 7.0 - 8.2, though a maximum of 7.5 is ideal
- KH: 10 - 25
- Minimum tank size: 10 gallons
- Diet: High quality flake foods and frozen foods such as bloodworms
- Social behaviour: Shoaling, peaceful with most species.
The Red Wag Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus) is a classic platy variety that displays red-orange and black coloration. There are nearly endless colour (and other) variants of this fish, and the Red Wag Platy is a standout. This is a very peaceful, undemanding fish that will thrive in most aquariums, especially the planted aquarium.
The Red Wag Platy is compatible with most other peaceful aquarium species. It is an omnivore, so it will potentially prey on smaller dwarf shrimp and their fry, but it is otherwise safe to keep with peaceful invertebrates as well. This fish is not a picky eater and it will accept a variety of high-quality dry foods, but these should be supplemented with a variety of frozen foods as well. It will mostly occupy the middle and upper regions of the aquarium, and it does have the ability to jump out of the water, especially while in the early stages of acclimating to a new aquarium. As a result, a secure lid is highly recommended to ensure that this fish does not jump out of the tank.
Plants are not absolutely necessary for the Red Wag Platy, but they will certainly be appreciated. All stem plants, Marimo Balls, and mosses are safe to keep with this fish. The Red Wag Platy is an excellent fish for beginners as well as experts!
What We Like About This Fish:
- Hardy and adaptable
- Beautiful orange and black coloration
- Small size, perfect for planted aquariums
- Peaceful disposition
- Perfect for the planted aquarium
- Temperature: 64° - 77° F (17.7° - 25° C)
- pH: 7.0 - 8.2, though a maximum of 7.5 is ideal
- KH: 10 - 25
- Minimum tank size: 10 gallons
- Diet: High quality flake foods and frozen foods such as bloodworms
- Social behaviour: Shoaling, peaceful with most species.