Smaragdina are a hardy "splendens" type fish originating from northeastern Thailand. They are generally very hardy compare to other splenden type and can tolerate lower temperature. Betta smaragdina are known from the "snake like" facial scaling and spider web pattern on their caudal fins. These are the wild type coloration with metallic green, though smaragdinas in general tend to have higher metallic so their color shimmer differently than other splendens.
Basic Information
Temperament: Males are not very aggressive and can be kept together in tanks with non-male betta mates. Can be kept in a planted community tank of multiple females if there is adequate space.
Max Size: 2.3 inches
TDS: 60 - 200 (We keep them in soft water with low TDS to match our other wild bettas but they are more tolerant of water conditions.)
pH: 5.0-7.0
Temperature : 75-85 (much better coloration at warmer temperature above 78 degrees)
Breeding: Bubblenester