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Goat Heart Paste

Rs. 500.00
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Goat Heart Paste is a complete food for all species which need Higher amount of animal protein in their diet. Our goat heart paste doesn’t contain fatty tissue, blood vessels.

Paste food can be stuck to any surface and easily accepted, digested by fishes of all sizes. Can be also used in fry’s tank as baby food

Gout Heart is lean muscle. We use moderate amount of goat heart in our feed (3%) to ensure optimum nutrition and protein is provided to your fishes. Mammal heart is used by fish keepers from a longer time to provide ideal nutrition to fishes, it improves immunity, coloration along with growth.

Welcome to the world of convenience and fish health.

We bring to you a revolutionary way to feed your fish. Fish Paste's these foods made in Europe have been converted to paste's for the Convenience of Fish Hobbyists.

Now you Dont Need to Refrigerate the Brineshrimp or freeze them or hatch them daily. This is a great diet for fish of all sizes, from fry to adults. We have personally used this food at our large facility for over two months before offering them.

This is a Hobbyists dream. Don't miss out.

p.s. Some of the Boxes will not have a seal on the top. Nothing to worry.

Goat Heart Paste
Goat Heart Paste

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