Julidochromis regani is a Tanganyikan cichlid that reaches 6" in length, making it one of the larger "Julies." They sport a torpedo-shaped body covered in a black checkerboard pattern that develops into stripes as they mature. They inhabit rocky areas of the lake and can often be seen hovering upside-down below a rocky outcropping. Julies make for an excellent candidate for a breeder looking to try Tanganyikan cichlids, as they are cave spawners and tend to produce quite a few fry, which they raise for several weeks. Sexing is nearly impossible, so young groups should be kept together until they pair off.
Scientific Name: Julidochromis regani
Common Name:
Max Size: 6"
pH: 7.5-8.6
Hardness: Hard
Temperature: 70-82°
Aggressiveness: Semi-Aggressive
Region of Origin: Lake Tanganyika, Africa
Captive Bred or Wild: Captive Bred