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Gold Ring Danio 2"

Rs. 250.00
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What a fantastic fish species! They are truely stunning with their long flowing barbs. These fish do require a larger set up with plenty of plants so navigate around creates a lovely environment for them to thrive in.
They require a nice, well oxygenated tank with good clean water. We suggest a large filter which will create a good amount of flow across the whole tank.
These fish are a great shoaling species and should be brough in groups of 6 or more. They really shouldnt be brought in smaller numbers. 

Try to avoid smaller fish species to share the tank with and they can be known to nip. 

Species – Dario dangila.

Current Size – 5-7cm

Adult Length – 12-15cm

Temperature Range – 21 - 24°C

pH Range – 6.87.8

Special Requirements - These danio prefer subdued lighting with plenty of plants.       

Tanks Mates and Compatibility – They are a community fish but they make poor companions for any fish that prefers a quiet and calm environment. They are ideal with other robust community fish such as other danios, barbs amd well as loaches and catfish.

Gold Ring Danio 2"
Gold Ring Danio 2"

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