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live aquarium plants

Live Aquarium Plants

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Cryptocoryne lutea

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 275.00

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Alternanthera Reineckii

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 200.00

Eleocharis parvula TC
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Eleocharis parvula mini

Rs. 250.00 Rs. 400.00

Hygrophila pinnatifida - Pot
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Hygrophila pinnatifida - Pot

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 200.00

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Staurogyne repens

Rs. 45.00

Crepidomanes malabaricum
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Crepidomanes malabaricum

Rs. 350.00

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Cryptocoryne Lucens

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 275.00

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Rotala macrandra "Red"

Rs. 45.00

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Hemianthus Micranthamoides

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 250.00

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Echinodorus Major

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 225.00

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Limnophila sessiliflora

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 230.00

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Cryptocoryne Parva

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 230.00

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Glossostigma Elantionoides

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 230.00

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Myriophyllum aquaticum

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 250.00

Rotala rotundifolia `hra' TC
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Rotala rotundifolia `hra' TC

Rs. 230.00 Rs. 400.00

Anubias barteri “Golden nana”
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Anubias barteri “Golden nana” (CUP)

Rs. 400.00 Rs. 450.00

Hydrocotyle tripatita `mini `TC.
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Hydrocotyle tripatita mini

Rs. 230.00 Rs. 400.00

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Hemianthus monte carlo

Rs. 45.00 Rs. 225.00

Microsorum Pteropus `Krabi`
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Microsorum Pteropus `Krabi`

Rs. 275.00 Rs. 300.00

Hemianthus micranthmoides TC
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Hemianthus micranthmoides TC

Rs. 240.00 Rs. 400.00

Bolbitis mini
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Bolbitis mini

Rs. 320.00

All Orders placed before Wednesday will be shipped only ONCE A WEEK every Saturday. All Orders placed after 10 am on Wednesday will be shipped the following week. 


Buy Live Aquarium Plants Online on Best4pets

Discover a lush, vibrant addition to your aquarium by exploring the extensive selection of live aquarium plants available on Best4pets. Shopping online at Best4pets ensures you have access to a wide variety of high-quality aquatic plants, perfect for enhancing the beauty and health of your underwater habitat.

From hardy Anubias to elegant Amazon Swords, each plant is carefully cultivated and shipped with care to ensure it arrives fresh and ready to thrive in your aquarium. Enjoy the convenience of online shopping combined with the expertise and dedication to customer satisfaction that Best4pets offers, making it the ideal choice for all your live aquarium plant needs.

Buy Live Aquarium Plants

Buying live aquarium plants can greatly enhance the beauty and functionality of your aquarium ecosystem. Live plants not only add visual appeal with their vibrant colors and graceful movements, but they also contribute to the overall health of the aquarium environment.

These plants oxygenate the water, absorb excess nutrients, and provide shelter for fish and other aquatic creatures. When selecting live aquarium plants, it's important to consider factors such as compatibility with your fish species, lighting requirements, and growth habits.

Choose from a variety of options including foreground plants like carpeting species, mid-ground plants for adding depth, and background plants for creating a lush backdrop. With proper care and maintenance, live aquarium plants can thrive and create a stunning underwater landscape for you to enjoy.


Trust and convenience of ethical, healthy, and sustainable pets, pet accessories, and pet-care solutions. Best4Pets is the fruit of labour and love. Brought to you by a collective of experienced pet-lovers, citizen scientists, and hobbyists. We believe - Pets are simply the best.