Myriophyllum Tuberculatum, also known as the Red Watermilfoil, lives in the slow-flowing and stagnant waters of Southeast Asia and Australia. The species features vibrantly-colored, red and orange leaves that look like tree needles, but grow diagonally upward.
Red Watermilfoil, if kept in the right conditions, will grow quickly to the water’s surface, where it will produce numerous lateral shoots and form a bushy configuration. One can trim the species by removing the old stem, and re-planting its upper part. (The rooted, lower part will sprout new shoots slower.) To propagate the plant, simply cut off a lateral shoot and re-plant it into the substrate.
With its rusty red/orange coloration, the Myriophyllum Tuberculatum is perfect for setting great accents, in the midground or background.Its moderate size and fine leaves also make it usable in small tanks.
- Pruning will be required to ensure other plants are not shaded from lighting.
- Myriophyllum species makes a great midground or background filler plant choice!
- Relatively hardy and adaptable to a range of aquarium parameters.
- CO2 injection and quality aquarium soil will yield better growth.
Genus: Myriophyllum
Family Name: Haloragaceae
Origin: Southeast Asia
Height: 6-12”
pH: 5.0 - 7.0
Care: Difficult
Light: High
Co2: High
Propagation: Cuttings
Growth Rate: Fast