Myriophyllum Scabratum is an aquatic plant celebrated for its graceful appearance and lush green foliage. Belonging to the Haloragaceae family, this species is native to South America and is a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts and aquascapers. Characterized by its finely dissected leaves arranged in whorls along the stems, this plant adds a touch of elegance to underwater landscapes. The "Green" variation is known for its vibrant green coloration, creating a visually appealing contrast in aquariums.
Plant Information:
- Scientific Name: Myriophyllum Scabratum "Green"
- Family: Haloragaceae
- Origin: South America
- Difficulty Level: Moderate to Advanced
- Lighting Requirements: Medium to High
- CO2 Requirement: Medium to High
- Temperature Range: 72-82°F (22-28°C)
- pH Range: 6.0-7.5
- Propagation: Stem Cuttings
Growing Information:
1. Lighting: Myriophyllum Scabratum "Green" thrives in medium to high lighting conditions. Adequate light is essential for maintaining its vibrant green color and promoting compact growth.
2. Substrate: Plant the stems in a nutrient-rich substrate. Regular supplementation with liquid fertilizers containing micronutrients supports its growth and coloration.
3. CO2 and Nutrients: This plant benefits from a CO2 injection in the aquarium. Provide a balanced nutrient regimen, including iron and trace elements, to enhance its overall health.
4. Water Parameters: Maintain a temperature range of 72-82°F (22-28°C) and a slightly acidic to neutral pH between 6.0-7.5. It can adapt to varying water hardness levels.
5. Placement: Myriophyllum Scabratum "Green" is often used as a background or midground plant in aquariums. The whorled arrangement of its leaves creates a captivating visual effect.
6. Propagation: Propagate through stem cuttings. Trim a healthy stem and replant it in the substrate. Roots will develop, and the plant will continue to grow.
7. Pruning: Regular pruning helps maintain the plant's shape and prevents it from becoming too dense. Trim the stems as needed to achieve the desired appearance.
8. Emersed Growth: While primarily grown submerged, Myriophyllum Scabratum "Green" can also adapt to emersed growth, making it suitable for paludariums or ripariums.
Myriophyllum Scabratum "Green" is a captivating aquatic plant that adds a touch of sophistication to aquariums. With its finely textured leaves and vibrant green coloration, it is a favorite among aquarists aiming to create visually stunning underwater landscapes.