Otherwise, German Blue Ram Cichlids are very peaceful and totally safe to keep with larger species of shrimp, snails, live plants, and other non-aggressive fish. We sell these fish in groups because they are known to do best in groups of 3 or more. These fish are omnivores, but they may be finicky about food upon being introduced to a new tank. It's a good idea to start them on foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and frozen or live mosquito larvae. Then you can gradually introduce them to easier foods like fish flakes or pellets.
- Remarkable and exotic colors and patterns
- Charming and playful personality
- Safe with plants
- Completely peaceful
- Temperature: 78.8° - 86° F (26° - 30° C), although 82°+ F (28°+ C) is optimal
- pH: 5.5 - 7.0
- KH: 2 - 10 dKH
- Minimum tank size: 10 gallons per fish (30 gallons for 3)
- Diet: Omnivorous. More likely to accept brine shrimp, bloodworms, and frozen or live mosquito larvae, and most will eventually eat fish flakes or pellets as well.
- Social behavior: Peaceful, schooling/shoaling.
- Origin: Tank-bred, but indigenous to rivers in Venezuela and Columbia
- Average adult size: 1 - 2 inches (2.5 - 5 cm)
- Average purchase size: .75 - 1.5 inches (1.9 - 3.8 cm)
Otherwise, German Blue Ram Cichlids are very peaceful and totally safe to keep with larger species of shrimp, snails, live plants, and other non-aggressive fish. We sell these fish in groups because they are known to do best in groups of 3 or more. These fish are omnivores, but they may be finicky about food upon being introduced to a new tank. It's a good idea to start them on foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and frozen or live mosquito larvae. Then you can gradually introduce them to easier foods like fish flakes or pellets.
- Remarkable and exotic colors and patterns
- Charming and playful personality
- Safe with plants
- Completely peaceful
- Temperature: 78.8° - 86° F (26° - 30° C), although 82°+ F (28°+ C) is optimal
- pH: 5.5 - 7.0
- KH: 2 - 10 dKH
- Minimum tank size: 10 gallons per fish (30 gallons for 3)
- Diet: Omnivorous. More likely to accept brine shrimp, bloodworms, and frozen or live mosquito larvae, and most will eventually eat fish flakes or pellets as well.
- Social behavior: Peaceful, schooling/shoaling.
- Origin: Tank-bred, but indigenous to rivers in Venezuela and Columbia
- Average adult size: 1 - 2 inches (2.5 - 5 cm)
- Average purchase size: .75 - 1.5 inches (1.9 - 3.8 cm)