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Hygrophila pinnatifida - Pot

Rs. 45.00
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This unique fern-like plant can display brown, maroon, and red coloration! It is a prolific grower and it will attach to rocks and driftwood very easily.

Miramar Weed (Hygrophila pinnatifida) is a very unique plant that has become popular in the hobby over the past decade. It is a fern-like epiphyte that does not need to be planted, but attaches rather easily to rocks, driftwood, and other hard surfaces. It is very fast-growing, especially in a high-tech setup, but it can be kept successfully in low-tech setups as well. Like most Hygrophila species kept in the aquarium, it grows both emersed and submersed, so it is an excellent paludarium plant.
Miramar Weed is a fairly adaptable plant that can be kept successfully in a variety of setups. It will display its most intense coloration under high lighting. It does not need to be planted in the substrate and does not require excessively nutrient-rich water, though it does require some consistent potassium content. Another factor in maintaining highest color intensity for this plant is keeping nitrates very low. As long as it is not exposed to extreme conditions, Miramar Weed is not particularly sensitive.
CO2 supplementation is beneficial, but not absolutely necessary for this plant.  Like most plants, Miramar Weed will benefit from reasonable supplementation such as Seachem Flourish, Flourish Excel, Nitrogen and other plant supplements.



What We Like About This Plant:
  • Incredible coloration
  • Thrives when attached to driftwood or rockwork
  • Prolific growth
  • Very adaptable
  • Temperature:  68° - 80° F (20° - 26° C)
  • pH:  5.5 - 8.0
  • Lighting:  Moderate to High
  • Origin:  Lab-grown tissue culture, but indigenous to India
  • Aquarium placement:  Midground, Background
  • Care:  Moderate
Hygrophila pinnatifida - Pot
Hygrophila pinnatifida - Pot

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