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Ammania sp bonsai

Rs. 45.00
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The true Rotala Indica is not well known as an aquarium plant. At the moment it is labeled as Ammania sp. "Bonsai" and Rotala sp. "Bonsai" as trade names, but its flowers have helped to correctly identify it as Rotala Indica.

The name Rotala Indica has been known for a long time in the hobby, but was used wrongly for the Rotala Rotundifolia species, which are completely different. Rotala Indica's unique appearance can best be described as a compact, miniature version of Bacopa Caroliniana. Rotala Indica is slow growing; under high light, the tips and stems turn reddish.

With their thick, straight, sparsely branched stems and rounded leaves, they are best planted in a group in the front or middle of the aquarium. Rotala Indica is especially suitable for small aquariums, but a large clump of this plant can also look good in a larger aquarium. Good lighting and a good supply of CO2 and nutrients must be ensured.

Ammania sp bonsai
Ammania sp bonsai

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