The Ghost Glass Catfish (Kryptopterus bicirrhis), also known by the name Asian Glass Catfish, is an odd yet elegantly attractive fish for the medium community aquarium. Most of its body is transparent, making its skeleton and internal organs visible. This fish inhabits many of the fast-flowing waterways throughout Southeast Asia.
The Ghost Glass Catfish, like most catfish, is a predator, but it has a relatively small mouth. It is not compatible with dwarf shrimp and very small fish. It will eat any animals that will fit in its mouth, but is otherwise completely peaceful with all other tankmates. This fish is very timid and must be kept in schools of 6 or more. It is not a picky eater and will accept most high quality flake and pellet foods, but will certainly benefit from small frozen and live foods as well.
A well-established, heavily planted aquarium is the ideal setting for the Ghost Glass Catfish. It is very sensitive to sudden changes in water parameters so regular maintenance is a must. Once established, it is usually a resilient fish. Successful spawning in the aquarium has not yet been widely achieved or reported.
- Highly unusual, mostly clear body
- Peaceful disposition with any tankmates too large to be swallowed
- Elegant schooling patterns
- Regularly occupies the upper level of the aquarium, unlike most catfish
- Temperature: 68° - 84° F (22° - 26° C)
- pH: 6.0 - 7.5
- KH: 8 - 12 dKH
- Minimum tank size: 55 gallons
- Diet: Carnivorous. High-quality flake foods, sinking pellets, freeze-dried or frozen meaty foods will be readily accepted.
- Social behavior: Peaceful with any animals too large to be swallowed. Must be kept in schools of six or more.
- Origin: Southeast Asia
- Average adult size: 4.7 - 5.9 inches (12 - 15 cm) at most
- Average purchase size: 2 inches (5 cm)