A unique, medium-growing Gourami species known from Northeastern India, Bangladesh, and Nepal, the Noble Gourami or Indian Frail Gourami is found in a variety of habitat types in both tropical and subtropical waters. Somewhat aggressive and territorial for a gourami, they tend to be found in very loose groups in the wild, typically in shallow water close to overhanging vegetation or large driftwood piles. In the aquarium, they are a relatively hardy fish but successfully keeping a group requires a larger aquarium with plenty of cover (especially floating plants) to diffuse any territoriality between adult fish.
Origin: Wild India
Locale: West Bengal, Ganges River Drainage
Diet: Insectivore and micropredator, will accept most frozen and prepared foods in the aquarium
Adult Size: 3″+
Recommended Tank Size: 30 gallons+
Compatibility: Semi-aggressive, adults are territorial towards one another
Preferred Water Parameters
pH: 6.5 – 7.5
Temp: 72 – 80F
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: <30ppm