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Zebra Shrimp / Caridina cf. babaulti

Rs. 55.00
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The Zebra  Shrimp (Caridina cf. babaulti "Zebra") is a beautiful dwarf shrimp that is very rare in the INDIA This variety of the super species is quickly gaining popularity due to its beautiful striping. Some specimens even have bright yellow eyes. We are very pleased to offer top-quality specimens!


The Zebra  Shrimp will breed in the aquarium and its fry can be raised.  The fry are smaller and grow more slowly than many other shrimp species, so this species requires a mature, dedicated dwarf shrimp aquarium for successful rearing.  There are conflicting opinions about whether the Zebra  Shrimp will breed more easily in softer or harder water, but there seems to be a growing consensus that they will breed in either as long as extreme conditions and abrubt changes are avoided. Since this shrimp is a Caridina species, it will not interbreed with the many Neocaridina species that we offer. Unlike "bee-type" Caridina species, which require soft water, the Zebra Babaulti Shrimp will thrive in water parameters similar to Neocaridina shrimp.


This shrimp is a scavenger and is very useful in planted and nano aquariums.  The bulk of its diet is biofilm, algae, and decaying plant matter so it will work diligently to clean up the waste in any aquarium.  It feeds constantly, so it displays constant activity.  In a less mature aquarium, it should be fed high quality flake and mini pellet dry foods with high algae/spirulina/plant content.  


What We Like About This Shrimp:

  • Distinctive striping patterns
  • Completely peaceful with all non-aggressive tank mates
  • Safe with all plants
  • Excellent scavenger
  • Breeds in the home aquarium



  • Minimum tank size:2 gallons, recommended 10 gallon minimum for a colony
  • Temperature: 68° - 72° F (20° - 22.2° C)
  • pH:5 - 7.5
  • dGH: 5- 10
  • dKH: 3 - 8
  • TDS: 50 - 250



  • Diet: Scavenger that feeds continually.  Requires very little feeding in a well-established aquarium containing algae, biofilm, or decaying plant matter.  In less mature aquariums, high quality dry foods with high plant content can be fed multiple times daily.
  • Social behaviour: A small group can continually replenish and grow its population.
    Zebra Shrimp / Caridina cf. babaulti
    Zebra Shrimp / Caridina cf. babaulti

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