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Rainbow Cichlid / Archocentrus multispinosus 2"

Rs. 229.00
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 Rainbow Cichlid (Herotilapia multispinosa) is an increasingly popular species among many cichlid enthusiasts due to its generally peaceful disposition and vivid coloration as it matures. Adults have brilliant multi-coloration. This Central American native can often be kept in groups and/or community tank setups with many other species. 


The Rainbow Cichlid will thrive in an aquarium with a sandy or soft substrate and plenty of refuge such as clay pots, driftwood, and rock formations. It typically will not eat ornamental plants, but plants that attach to driftwood and rockwork are recommended. This cichlid is generally compatible with other peaceful fish too large to be considered prey. Territoriality is typically at its peak during spawning. Dwarf shrimp and other small, delicate invertebrates should not be kept with the Rainbow Cichlid, but more durable, larger invertebrates such as snails could possibly make good tank mates in a large enough aquarium. If spawning is desired, tank mates of other species should be kept to a minimum or avoided altogether.


Feeding is simple for the unfussy Rainbow Cichlid. High-quality dry, frozen, and live plant-based and meaty foods will all be readily accepted. This species is believed to eat a great deal of plant matter in the wild. Quality and variety are the keys to a diet that will ensure that this fish maintains optimal health and coloration.

 What We Like About This Fish:

  • Beautiful multi-coloration and finnage
  • Very hardy with plenty of personality
  • Easy to breed in the aquarium
  • Compatible with many other species in a spacious tank
  • Potential to be a "centerpiece" fish



  • Temperature:  75° - 86° F (24° - 30° C)
  • pH:  7.0 - 8.0
  • KH:  12-20 dKH
  • Minimum tank size:  40 gallons for a pair



  • Diet:  Omnivore. A variety of high-quality dry, frozen, and live plant-based and meaty foods are necessary for optimal health and coloration.
  • Social behaviour:  Congregates loosely in groups. Can be territorial during spawning.
Rainbow Cichlid / Archocentrus multispinosus 2.5"
Rainbow Cichlid / Archocentrus multispinosus 2"

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