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Rohani Barb 4.5-5"

Rs. 400.00
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It was only last year that this beautiful Indian barb has been described scientifically. It originates from the south of India. Presently it is only known from hill streams in the Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu. It differs from the other Indian barbs of its closer relationship (eg D. arulius, D. assimilis, D. exclamatio, D. filamentosa, and D. tambraparniei) by the coloration. Especially diagnostic is the shape of the caudal spot, which is teardrop-shaped in D. rohani and circular in D. assimilis and D. filamentosa, the two species that look most similiar to D. rohani. Moreover, the caudal fin of D. rohani has no pattern, whereas in D. assimilis and D. filamentosa this fin has black markings.

Males and females can be easily distinguished by the shape of the dorsal fin which is filamentous in males. Like all these Indian barbs D. rohani is a wonderful schooling fish for larger aquaria. The species attains a length of around 8-12 cm.


Not difficult to keep in a well-maintained set-up, though we recommend aquascaping the tank to resemble a flowing stream or river with a substrate of variably-sized, water-worn rocks, sand, fine gravel and perhaps some small boulders.

This can be further furnished with driftwood roots or branches, and while the majority of aquatic plants will fail to thrive in such surroundings hardy types such as MicrosorumBolbitis or Anubias spp. can be grown attached to the décor.

Water Conditions

Temperature19 – 25 °C

pH6.0 – 7.5

Hardness36 – 179 ppm



A foraging omnivore likely to feed on a variety of worms, insects, crustaceans, plant material, and other organic debris in nature.

In the aquarium it’s easily-fed but a varied diet comprising regular meals of small live and frozen foods such as bloodwormDaphnia, and Artemia alongside good quality dried flakes and granules will promote optimal condition and colours.


Behaviour and Compatibility

An ideal addition to a peaceful community of riverine species alongside other schooling or shoaling cyprinids plus botiid, nemacheilid and balitorid loaches.

If geography isn’t an issue it can actually be combined with most peaceful fish of a size too large to be considered food and that have a bold enough disposition to not be intimidated by its size and active nature.

Rohani Barb 4"
Rohani Barb 4.5-5"

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